Getting a perfect UV water purifier for your home is one of the best water treatment and purification choices.
Your city’s municipal water goes through a lot of processes before it reaches your end, and may be contaminated with bacteria, fungi, viruses, and many other unwanted impurities.
But how do you know? Hardly possible! These microorganisms can hardly be seen with the naked eye, so one of the best ways to cater to your drinking water is to purchase a top-notch UV-water sterilizer.
What is a UV water purifier and why do you need one for your home? Keep reading as this article will explain everything!
What is a UV water Purifier?A UV water purifier is a system that treats drinking water by eliminating bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, and other microorganisms using ultraviolet light rays.
Unlike the reverse osmosis systems, the UV water purifier, focus more on microorganisms that contaminate your drinking water. It principally works by destroying the DNA of those organisms so that they cannot replicate and cause diseases in your body.
How does UV water purification work?
Bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms cause several kinds of diseases in man. For example, there were numerous outbreaks of cryptosporidium in Milwaukee's water supply after a flood a few years ago.
When a parasite like Cryptosporidium penetrates the digestive tract, it can induce disease similar to Montezuma's vengeance. Hundreds of people died in Milwaukee because the city's water was contaminated with crypto, which is resistant to chlorine disinfectants.
To keep you safe from waterborne pathogens like cryptosporidium, UV water purification is a must-have modern convenience. But how does this work?
UV light rays at an intensity of 254nm are very powerful and penetrate the bacterial and other microbial DNA. When this germicidal wavelength of UV rays passes through the water at a certain threshold of 254nm, the harmful microorganisms become inactive thereby producing a cleaner and healthier drinking water!
You can get a healthier water by purchasing our top-notch NU Aqua platinum series 6 stage UV Ultraviolet 100GPD RO system
What are the Components of a UV Water Purifier?
Despite the differences in brands of UV water sterilizer systems, they always have the same components. Here are the four parts:
· Quartz sleeve
· UV lamp
· Reactor
· Control unit
1. Quartz sleeve
One feature of the UV water purifier is that the UV light rays are electrically generated, and since water and electricity don’t go together, it needs a casing to prevent any casualties. This protection is provided by the Quartz sleeve.
The Quartz sleeve protects the lamp from the water and is the means through which germicidal wavelengths of radiation gets transmitted into the water to destroy the DNA of microorganisms. What about cleaning? It is very easy to maintain. You should ensure to clean it often to prevent clogging by contaminants.
2. UV lamp
The UV lamp is the major component that produces the germicidal rays for water purification. Depending on the type of lamp, UV-C light can have wavelengths ranging from 100 to 400 nm.
There are usually two types; Low-pressure lamps and medium-pressure lights which arrive with their differences.
The spectrum of "medium pressure" lamps is greater than that of "low pressure" bulbs. It is determined by the application and disinfection needs that they should be used.
Type of ultraviolet (UV) light bulb
Standard UV lamps with low pressure: these lamps are commonly employed in environments with lower flow rates (such as a residential residence) and longer exposure times. The initial investment you put in this equipment is significantly lower because of the reduced initial cost of these bulbs.
High power lamps with low pressure: They're a good option for those situations in which:
· You’re trying to conserve space. Because they are smaller than typical light reactors, they take up less space.
· UV rays are delivered in high doses.
· You require a high level of processing speed.
Amalgam lamps with low pressure: The mercury amalgam alloy is used to manage the vapor pressure in low-pressure amalgam lamps. In comparison to a typical low-pressure lamp of the same length, they can produce up to three times as much UV-C power through a somewhat different technique than other lamps. Their primary use is in commercial or regulatory settings, depending on the sort of microbiological contamination that needs to be removed from the environment.
Medium pressure lamps
To put it simply, medium-pressure lamps are more powerful than low-pressure lamps because they generate a wider range of UVC wavelengths (200 to 400 nm).
Compared to low-pressure UVC systems, medium-pressure lamp reactors are substantially more compact, which is an obvious advantage for large flow rates. In contrast to low-pressure lamps, medium pressure lamps are less effective at producing germicidal wavelengths than low-pressure lights.
Low-pressure amalgam lamps can use up to 40% of their input power, whereas medium pressure lamps can only convert about 10% of their power into useful UV-C.
Composition of an Ultraviolet lamp
In terms of lamp structure glass, there are a variety of options to choose from:
· Smooth glass: UVC transmission efficiency will be reduced with time if the glass is smooth, which is less expensive but fades.
· Quartz glass: tougher and less prone to break
As a result of this treatment, both types of glass are more likely to transmit UV-C light.
In general, a low-pressure light bulb can last for up to two years. The market share of "low pressure-high intensity" amalgam lamps has expanded significantly in recent years because of their superior electrical efficiency. These lamps are commonly employed in the industry because of their high-intensity radiation.
Keeping the environment in mind, lights must be recycled to be considered environmentally friendly. This is normally handled by the supplier.
3. Reactor
One or more UV lamps are housed in a quartz tube-encased chamber or reactor.
The hydraulic system can be connected to each reactor's input and outflow. It is also common for a UV reactor to be made of stainless steel. HDPE, on the other hand, can be used to disinfect salt or caustic water.
Sterilization, for example, calls for a specific sort of reactor. For different models and flow rates, we give different orifice sizes.
4. Control unit
The lamp's electrical power is controlled by the electrical cabinet, which generates UVC light. When it comes to small reactors, some providers merely offer a simple control board that may be attached to the end of a bulb.
For a UV system to be fully functioning, all of its components must work together. Because of this, it is critical to use the correct components when changing any of the system's components. Always use the manufacturer's original equipment for repairs.
How effective is UV water treatment?UV water sterilizer systems are very effective in eliminating harmful microorganisms and producing very clean water. It filters 99.99% of organisms in the water and works constantly, ensuring your drinking water is always pure and healthy. When you get a UV water sterilizer, you can be confident that no bacteria or microorganisms will remain in your water.
Can UV replace Chlorine treatment?Now you know what a UV water purifier is, can you replace them with chlorine water treatment? Chlorine is another highly effective way to disinfect your water. It is proven to kill most bacteria, viruses, and parasites, offers protection against water recontamination, and the best is more easily affordable than other methods.
However, should you replace the UV water purifier with chlorine treatment? No. According to the Center for Disease Control, chlorine can even provide more contamination. When it reacts with lead pipes, it can produce tiny chemicals which is another impurity to drinking water.
Chlorine treatment may be the cheaper option, it can give way to more impurities meanwhile, UV water sterilizer offers destruction of 99.99% of germs. So you shouldn’t replace them.
Which is Better UV or Chlorine for treating water?Even while UV water disinfection is a safer and more cost-effective option, you must also ensure that you use the most effective disinfection method possible, and not leave those pesky germs to chance!
However, some diseases, such as Cryptosporidium, are resistant to chlorine but may be disinfected by UV water treatment. In short, both disinfection methods are reliable and can protect you and the public from pathogens, which can include bacteria and viruses. As a physical process, UV water disinfection is both time, cost, and space-efficient!
Your UV disinfection method's lifecycle should be considered when determining its expenses, which include set-up, maintenance and operating costs, and replacements. Your new water disinfection solution can be evaluated for its long-term cost-effectiveness this way.
Chlorine disinfection equipment is typically only a minor price to pay, but you also need huge chlorine tanks, additional concrete, civil work, excavation, and building with this procedure. This method comes with its own set of risks, which necessitates the use of emergency scrubbers, other safety devices, and operators to prevent gas leaks.
You can save money and space by using UV disinfection, which has only a tenth of the footprint. This method also necessitates the construction of a concrete channel, but it is less expensive because the system as a whole is smaller. Compared to Chlorine, UV water disinfection occurs in a matter of seconds, whereas Chlorine's retention time is significantly longer.
How long UV do filters last?Instead of burning out like ordinary light bulbs, UV lamps solarize. This implies that over time, they lose around 60% of the UV light strength that a fresh UV bulb produces. After a year of continuous use, or 9000 hours, this stage is frequently achieved.
The lamp must be replaced every year. Nearly 60 Jm/cm2 will be generated by new bulbs. UV radiation dose will fall to 30 mg/cm2 over a year, which is the bare minimum needed to destroy microorganisms. Replacement of the UV lamp is necessary at this stage. The vast majority of UV systems are designed to run nonstop.
Get our top-notch NU Aqua Ultraviolet Purifier 1GPM which you can attach to your RO system to ensure 100% clean drinking water.
What does a UV water filter remove?UV water sterilizer filters the following;
· Fungi
· Algae
· Escherichia coli which causes Diarrhea
· Streptococcus
· Giardia
· Cryptosporidium
· Mycobacterium tuberculosis
· Salmonella which causes Typhoid fever
· Dysentery bacilli which cause Dysentery
· Some types of viruses
Why you need a UV water purifier
1. UV disinfection is completely safe. UV water purification system is a very safe way of filtering drinking water. The UV germicidal rays are very powerful and will not spare any microorganisms in your water.
2. Ease of maintenance: lamps and other components do not require frequent changing and are very easy to maintain.
3. Odorless and tasteless water: unlike some other water treatment options, the UV system doesn’t use chemicals that can alter the odor, color, and taste of water.
4. Clean water during emergencies. If a natural disaster occurs and your city water happens to be contaminated, clean drinking water will always be available when you have a good UV water sterilizer.
5. Budget-friendly maintenance: the mercury vapor lamps may need to be changed at some point. However, do not fret, the cost is similar to standard bulb light.
What are the disadvantages of using UV to disinfect water?1. Poor contaminants elimination
The UV water purifier’s specialty is in the destruction of the DNA of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms to halt replication and purify water. However, when it comes to removing tiny particles, the UV system performs poorly.
2. Heats the water
The UV lamp which produces the germicidal rays generates heat during the process which transmits to your water and would cause it to be warm.
3. No filtration during a power outage
The UV water sterilizer depends solely on electricity for its power and as a result, you won’t be able to filter drinking water during a power outage.
Do I need UV for Well water?Yes. If you want to get rid of microorganisms that can cause diseases, you would need to get a UV water purifier.
Do I need UV for city water?Some large cities have UV water purifying systems already installed in their municipal water supplies and sometimes, you may not need your UV purifier. However, it is safer to ensure your drinking water is perfectly pure by getting one installed in your home.
Should UV go before or after my RO system?

The reverse osmosis water treatment system is super-efficient in removing unwanted molecules and impurities like chlorine, salt, and dirt. However, it is deficient in the removal of microorganisms.
Should you go for a UV purifier before or after getting an RO system? Typically, the best location is just after the filter. The ultraviolet light in many biological filters is located after the filter itself. Some solid explanations for this: Ultraviolet light is more effective when the water flowing along it is clearer.
You can also use reverse osmosis with UV light by purchasing its filters.
Is UV water purification safe?Yes. The UV light water purifier is safe because it doesn’t use or produce any chemicals that can alter the taste, color, or odor of your drinking water. Instead, it makes your water safer and healthier.
UV water filtration is a wonderful innovation designed to make healthier drinking water by eliminating those disease-causing microorganisms that can infect our water. Do you need a UV water purifier? Absolutely! You can get started by getting our NU Aqua platinum series 6 stage UV Ultraviolet 100GPD RO system with a Booster pump.