Reverse Osmosis Drinking water: The Myths and the facts

Reverse Osmosis Drinking water: The Myths and the facts


Good water is life! Reverse osmosis drinking water gives you the ideal kind of water that’s best for your health and body. However, there are some myths about this water treatment process that so many people get wrong.


Do you want to know why you need a reverse osmosis water system and all its benefits? In this article, we will debunk all the myths about RO drinking water as well as explain all about the process and reasons you need to get one in your home!


What is Reverse Osmosis?


Tons of popular drinking water brands all advertise their bottled water as being reverse osmosis filtered. But do you know what it means or how reverse osmosis works? Maybe not. When it comes to our state-of-the-art Aqua platinum reverse osmosis technology, we believe it is crucial to explain how it works so that you know exactly what's in your water and how it tastes.


Reverse osmosis is a water filtration method that employs a semi-permeable membrane (a synthetic liner) to remove drinking water contaminants like chlorine, salt, and grime. Reverse osmosis can eliminate germs as well as pollutants and sediments, which is something you don't want to drink. Pure water is all that is left after the water has been purified to the atomic level.


Myths about reverse osmosis drinking water


Myth 1: Water from municipalities offer high-quality water


Fact: More than eighty percent of the country's population is supplied with water daily by water municipalities. However, your tap water may not be as pure as you assume because of the massive collection, filtering, and distribution processes involved.


Water disinfection chemicals have an impact on the water's taste and smell, although most people's bodies develop accustomed to the odor and flavor over a long period of exposure. Hormones, medicines, herbicides, insecticides, and more are all on the list.


However, with a Reverse osmosis water treatment system, you rest assured that drinking water will be free from any contaminant and good for health!


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Myth 2: Water treatment systems remove nutrients vital for good health


Fact: It is incorrect to assume that water is the primary source of one's mineral intake. Water purification indeed removes minerals from the water, but the body's primary supply of minerals is found in food, not water.


As an example, 8-ounce glasses of water would provide less mineral consumption than even one slice of bread. Additionally, the human body limits the number of liquid minerals it consumes, making many of the minerals found in municipal water worthless to the body in the first place.


Calcium is an excellent example of how this belief is untrue. Milk has a 7 percent bioavailability, broccoli has an 85 percent bioavailability, whereas water has a bioavailability of less than 1 percent. Calcium, which is present in your water, is dissolved rock. Dissolved rock can't even be absorbed by your body.


Broccoli plants, on the other hand, may make use of dissolved rock. Only until the dissolved rock has been transformed into chelated calcium by the broccoli plant will it enter your bloodstream. In other words, don't rely on drinking a lot of water to acquire your calcium; instead, eat some broccoli and drink some clean water with it.


If you must have minerals in your water, then purification and remineralization are the only options. Using this method, you can ensure that only beneficial minerals are present in your drinking water, rather than minerals and other impurities.


Myth 3: Reverse Osmosis water is dangerous for drinking


Fact: There is no evidence that Reverse Osmosis water is detrimental to your health, as scientists have not been able to prove it. Some people are afraid of drinking clean RO water because they believe it would deplete their bodies with essential minerals.


However, because RO water still contains important minerals that boost water's alkalinity, it should not affect your overall well-being if you consume an adequate diet. For people who suffer from acid-related ailments like severe acid reflux or gastrointestinal ulcers, RO water is a good option because it's more basic than acidic.


Myth 4: Sodium in reverse osmosis water is bad for health


Fact: The body needs sodium as an electrolyte to function properly. In normal amounts, it's not toxic to the body and can be found in virtually every tissue there. Even water's flavor can be improved by using it.


Patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, or kidney difficulties should discuss the possibility of having their medications adjusted based on the sodium content of their drinking water with their doctor. Another option to reduce sodium intake is to install reverse osmosis (RO) system in your place of business or residence.


Myth 5: Water softener is enough for good drinking water


Fact: If you have a water softener, you need a RO system more than you think. The purpose of a water softener is to lower the hardness of your water, not to purify it. As a result of the softening process utilizing sodium ions, we are unwittingly contributing to our sodium intake by drinking from our faucets. To reduce it to a tolerable level, filtration/RO is required.


Water softeners don't do anything to enhance the flavor of your water. Some people even claim that it makes the food taste worse; while I don't agree, it has some merit. Water softeners and reverse osmosis are the perfect combinations for combinations that are both soft and filtered.


Myth 6: Calcium is the water causes kidney that problems


Fact: Having a kidney stone passed might be as painful as giving birth. That's why avoiding them at all costs is logical. Consider increasing your water intake instead of decreasing it because of concerns about calcium buildup. Drinking more water can help prevent kidney stones because most water does not have excessive mineral levels. [


Myth 7: It’s safer to drink bottled water than RO treated water


Fact: When it comes to water, it's simple to think that sealed and cooled plastic bottles are cleaner than water dispensed from the tap. However, reconsider. Most municipal water treatment plants adhere to stricter regulations than bottled water producers. For instance, municipal water systems are required to warn their users if toxins are discovered in their local water supply.


However, according to the EPA, bottled water firms are exempt from the same stringent regulations. Self-regulation and testing by the bottled water industry is the norm. Weaker controls make it easier for contaminants to bypass the system's filtering mechanisms.


How does Reverse osmosis work?


The process of osmosis must first be explained before we get into the specifics of reverse osmosis and its myths. Reverse osmosis employs a partially permeable membrane to extract compounds, and bigger particles from drinking water.


Osmosis, as you may recall from high school chemistry, is the process by which water moves from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated one over a semi-permeable membrane. In the process, osmotic pressure is generated.


Using an applied pressure, the reverse osmosis process will remove pollutants from water with a high concentration while leaving clean water behind. This indicates that the polluted water is trying to move into the pure water, but because it must first pass through a filter, the contaminants are contained and only the pure water is allowed to travel through; this is exactly what we want!


Sediment filter, pre-carbon block, reverse osmosis membrane, and post-carbon filter are all commonly used in reverse osmosis systems. To mine of the following filter the s, the sediment filter eliminates the biggest particles such as dirt, rocks, and rust. But how do these all work?


To prevent anything larger than a speck of flour from passing through, the pre-carbon filter employs activated carbon to bind and bond with positively charged ions to prevent chemical compounds like chlorine and chloramines from passing through the third filter. The reverse osmosis membrane plays a role in the removal of substances heavier than water. Lastly, the charcoal filter removes any remaining impurities.


The end goal of all these processes will therefore yield well-purified d high-quality drinking water that is good for your health!


What are the Benefits of Reverse Osmosis Drinking water?


Carbon filtration can only remove particles smaller than one micron in size, whereas reverse osmosis can remove 99.9% of all pollutants and sediments, or particles as small as 0.001 microns.


To ensure the safety of your drinking water, you should install a reverse osmosis filtering system that removes impurities from the water before it reaches your glass. Here are some benefits you stand in getting a top-notch RO water system!



1.High-Capacity Filtration


Water that has been treated with reverse osmosis removes potentially hazardous compounds. As an example, calcium deposits in your water can harden it and harm your skin. These compounds come in a variety of shapes and sizes: Phosphate, Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Fluoride, Chloride, Cyanide, Ammonia, etc. Organ problems, cancer, reproductive issues, vision problems can all occur in an individual that takes these compounds. In addition, hazardous fertilizers and pesticides may be present in the tap water, causing it to become even more polluted.


Contaminants provide a threat to human health in several water systems across the country. With a home water kit, you can determine the presence of dangerous substances in your water. You can also smell the water to see if it's safe to drink.


Smelly water is an indicator of contaminants in your water supply. Hydrogen sulfide can be detected by the smell of rotten eggs, for example.


Hydrogen sulfide is a pollutant that doesn't belong in your water, even if it has no effect does not affect never know what else might be lurking in water with just one contaminant.


On the other hand, RO water removes contaminants such as sediments and chemicals. Pesticides and organic contaminants that are not safe for human eating will also be removed.


2. Removal of Lead


In the United States, lead is one of the most common pollutants in drinking water. When pipes are corroded, lead seeps into the water supply. However, lead contamination is a concern in many other places, and Flint is one of the most well-known.


In addition, tainted drinking water has been shown to contain high levels of lead in both adults and children in several places several tiniest amounts of lead can have a negative effect on health. To ensure public safety, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends that there be no lead in any public drinking water. Lead has been linked to several health several including the following: Trauma to the nerve, Obstacles to conception, Blood pressure rise, Damage to the muscles, brain damage, etc.


Water purification using reverse osmosis systems can, nevertheless, be a viable option for the general population. You can, for example, reduce salt in water using this treatment.


3. Decreases Blood Sodium Concentrations



90 to 95 percent of sodium is removed from water by reverse osmosis. The same thin membranes used to remove pollutants are used to remove sodium. On average, a glass of water has 12 milligrams of sodium in it. Bottled water, on the other hand, may also include sodium.


A glass of water does not contain a lot of sodium, but if you drink a lot of water throughout the day, you may end up ingesting a significant quantity of salt. In order to avoid this, it is advised that you consume 8 glasses of water a day.


In addition, some types of water have more salt than others. No more than 20 mg of sodium should be found in water sources, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Sodium water can account for 10% of a person's total sodium intake if they are not careful.


If you're on a low-sodium diet, Reverse osmosis drinking water is also a valuable tool. Heart disease and kidney and liver problems might result from high blood pressure caused by excessive salt intake.


Reverse osmosis treated water solves all these problems and will provide your body with the ideal water that it deserves!


4. Removes Non-Infectious Microorganisms


RO can remove cryptosporidium parasites from water. Cryptosporidium causes fever, cramping, and diarrhea in the small intestines. Malnutrition and dehydration are the result of infection with this parasite in youngsters. Other waterborne parasites, like giardia, can be removed by a RO filter.


Another parasite that can cause digestive problems is Giardia. It's more common in children than in any other age group. If left untreated, it can be fatal to youngsters.


If you reside in a region with a bad water system, you should consider RO filtering. In addition, RO filters can remove microorganisms since the membranes are too big for them to get through.


Final Words on Reverse Osmosis Myths and Facts


There are a plethora of reasons why Reverse osmosis drinking water is healthier and a great option for you. It has proven beyond facts to be cleaner having filtered over 99.99% contaminations and what else? Makes you stronger and less prone to diseases!


Get our NU Aqua Platinum series 6 stage, a top-notch RO system to filter your drinking water and provide you with all the benefits it entails!

1 comment

Vandalyn Wilkerson

Vandalyn Wilkerson

Thanks for the information, very informative.

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