Reverse Osmosis (RO) water purifiers are the most essential household appliances because they ensure that drinking water is free of contaminants and is of the highest possible quality. However, people frequently ask, "Is it safe to drink RO water?" prior to making the financial commitment to install a reverse osmosis water system..
The widespread perception that drinking deionized water is hazardous to one's health is the primary driver of the ongoing controversy about the safety of water purified using the process of reverse osmosis.
We will explain how the process of reverse osmosis water treatment works, what it eliminates, and the potential effects that drinking reverse osmosis water may have on your health so that you may better understand the truth behind this myth.
What is Reverse Osmosis?
Reverse osmosis water filters, or RO for short, is a common kind of water filtration that is used in many households to provide safe drinking water for their family members. In comparison with other water filtration technologies, RO is the best way to filter water because it gets rid of all kinds of contaminants.
However, despite the fact that deionization systems remove even more impurities, DI water is not something that should be used as a source of drinking water in the house. The taste of water that has been treated with RO is quite similar to that of bottled water.
Recently, an increasing number of people have expressed increased worry over the use of water that has been processed by reverse osmosis systems.
This is due to the fact that people have been led to believe that the process of reverse osmosis eliminates all of the healthy minerals, thereby making the water unsafe to drink. This perception is false and has no scientific backing.
Is It Safe To Drink RO Water?
Yes, RO water removes trace amounts of calcium from the water; however, it also removes potentially hazardous nitrates along with the calcium, so using RO or other types of water purifiers helps to avoid illnesses.
If and when the water that comes out of our taps is able to compete with the quality of this filtered water, only then should we consider drinking it directly.
What Is The Mechanism Behind Reverse Osmosis?
The process of reverse osmosis is exactly the opposite of the osmosis process, as its name indicates. In the process of Reverse Osmosis purification, high pressure is applied to a semi-permeable membrane in order to drive water through it.
All of the impurities, such as chemicals and poisons (toxins), are captured by the membrane that is only partially permeable. Because of this, the water that was left behind is clean and devoid of any and all types of impurities.
On the cleansed side, you will only receive water that is pure and fit for human consumption. Now, the most important question is whether or not this filtered RO water may be consumed safely. This is what we discovered. See Recommended: Reverse Osmosis Systems for home.
What Does Reverse Osmosis Remove?
A reverse osmosis system removes more contaminants than any regular filtration. The RO removes the following from the water:
- PFA's (aka "Forever Chemicals"
- Microplastics
- Bacteria
- Lead
- Chlorine
- Sodium
- Fluoride
- Pharmaceuticals
- Arsenic
- and a whole list of other contaminants.
The Drawback of using RO
The membrane used in reverse osmosis systems is able to eliminate 90 percent of the minerals in the water while simultaneously filtering out all of the undesirable pollutants in the water
To begin, let's get one thing straight: water is not an adequate source for the minerals you need on a regular basis. Even if you drank enough water to fill a whole bathtub every day, you still could not obtain all of the minerals your body requires.
Simply said, water is not a significant contributor to the mineral content of your body. However, there are a number of things about drinking water that may cause you concern, and you should pay attention to those things.
Compounds such as lead, chromium 6, arsenic, chloramine, and almost 35,000 more chemical substances.
Some Scientific Views of RO
On the other hand, research that was published by the World Health Organization showed that almost all of the naturally occurring minerals in water that RO removes could be harmful to a person's health over the course of their lifetime if they were to be consumed.
Even though the science behind this isn't completely clear, other authorities have also warned that the lack of minerals in the water could hurt the minerals your body gets from food and even supplements.
Here's a quote from their research: "lower mineral intake from the water was not compensated for by their diets... low-mineral water was accountable for increased mineral excretion from the body."
In essence, what they are saying is that if there aren't enough minerals in the water, your body may try to extract the minerals it needs from other foods and drinks. Because of this, your body wouldn't get enough of the important minerals it needs to work right.
So, Should You Avoid Reverse Osmosis Water?
Should you not use a RO system and expose yourself to the possibility of consuming undesired toxins in order to supply your body with the necessary minerals? Cities such as Flint, Michigan have shown that this is a very dangerous gamble to engage in.
If the lack of minerals is an issue for you, then there is a method to have the best of both worlds, but I recommend everyone conduct their own study to decide if a reverse osmosis system is good for them. In the meantime, however, there is a way to have the best of both worlds.
Add The Remineralization Filter.
Reverse osmosis systems can be upgraded by adding remineralization filters. These filters try to replenish the minerals that were removed from the water.
The remineralized water will be clean and refreshing like RO water, yet it still contains all of the minerals. Unfortunately, most of the remineralization filters available on the market today that are designed to be installed after an RO system are quite inefficient.
A few tests were carried out to determine the efficacy of some filters on the market. After running the RO water through the filter, the pH of the water is found to be higher, but very few minerals have been efficiently added..
The most effective and recommended filter for your home and office use is the Platinum Series 6 Stage Alkaline 100GPD RO System
Our solutions and approach
We at NU Aqua Systems think that reverse osmosis systems are the safest option for your home's drinking water since they eliminate hazardous impurities.
But if you're worried about the water's low mineral content, you can buy our All Platinum Series 6 Stage Alkaline 100GPD RO.
Platinum Series 6 Stage Alkaline 100GPD RO System
This filter, which was manufactured in the United States, will not only replenish the minerals in the water but also elevate the pH and improve hydration absorption by decreasing the ORP of the water (oxidation-reduction potential).
To summarize, if you are interested in the advantages of RO water but also desire minerals, you should know that there is technology available that can provide you with both of these things at the same time.
Can Ro Water Make You Sick?
There is almost no evidence, especially evidence that has been tried and evaluated, to suggest that drinking water produced by reverse osmosis might be dangerous to your health.
Drinking water treated with reverse osmosis won't have any effect on your general health and wellness as long as you maintain a healthy diet, don't have illnesses such as severe acid reflux, and don't have ulcers in your digestive tract.
In the event that you do want water with a higher pH, however, there are systems that utilize reverse osmosis that come with optional filters that are enriched with minerals and electrolytes.
This will raise the pH, which will help ease the symptoms of diseases that get worse when you eat or drink acidic foods and drinks.
Is Bottled Water Reverse Osmosis?
Well, there is a chance that the bottled water you see every day came from a RO system.
At the time of this publication, a significant number of the most prominent manufacturers of bottled water, such as Dasani, Nestle, and Aquafina, put their water through a filtration process that incorporates reverse osmosis.
However, the taste of one brand of bottled water might not be the same as that of another, and the taste of tap water might be different from one place to another, but all of them are filtered with Reverse Osmosis.
In spite of this, there are a lot of variables and factors to consider before deciding whether or not to replace bottled water with a home reverse osmosis filtering system.
Is It Safe To Drink Deionized Water?
Although some people enjoy drinking distilled water, it is not the best option for potable water because it does not contain the minerals that are present in spring water and tap water.
These minerals add to the flavor of water and confer health benefits. Distilled water does not contain these minerals. On August 1, 2010, this entry was published.
You are free to drink distilled water, but you must actively avoid deionized water at all costs. Deionized water is caustic and can cause damage to dental enamel and soft tissues. This is in addition to the fact that it does not offer any minerals.
Additionally, since the removal of microorganisms is not a function of deionization, drinking DI water may not be protective against infectious illnesses.
After a certain amount of time, however, you are safe to consume distilled and deionized water even if it has been exposed to air.
Is It Safe To Drink Tap Water?
Yes, it is usually safe to drink the water that comes out of the tap in the United States. On the other hand, anyone who doubts the veracity of this assertion does so with good cause. In the last ten years, there has been a lot of bad press about drinking water from the tap.
The highly publicized water contamination crisis in Flint, Michigan, and other events like the Elk River chemical spill in West Virginia have brought the question of whether or not it is safe to drink water from the tap in the United States to the forefront of discussions about environmental policy.
Whether or not your community is one of the unfortunate few with contaminated water, buying bottled water is not a good way to solve the problem in the long run.
Does Reverse Osmosis Remove Minerals?
The simple answer is yes! Reverse osmosis (RO) can remove over 99 percent of all pollutants and minerals from drinking water.Minerals are eliminated by reverse osmosis because their molecules are bigger than those of water. Minerals and RO have sparked debate and dispute among water and health experts.
The World Health Organization (WHO) made it clear that most of the healthy minerals our bodies need come from food or dietary supplements, not from drinking tap water.
Can You Add Minerals Back To Reverse Osmosis Water?
Yes, you can simply and easily remineralize any quantity of water by adding a few mineral drops at any time. The price of a bottle of mineral drops that treats 200 liters of water should be less than $20.
You may remineralize reverse osmosis water at the source by adding an additional filter to your system. Most models can have a pH-balancing or remineralizing filter added so that the whole system doesn't have to be replaced.
After the water is filtered, some of the minerals are reintroduced back; the exact amount depends on variables such as the water's flow rate, temperature, and pH level.
There is evidence that this can change the pH of the water in a big way, but the amount of remineralization can be very different.
Final Thoughts
Reverse osmosis is the sole method for purifying unfit-for-human-consumption drinking water. RO water purifiers that also have TDS controllers are the best option for getting clean and healthy water that still has all of the necessary minerals.
The Reverse Osmosis purification process that is combined with a TDS controller is what reputable manufacturers like Kent employ in their water purifiers to produce water that is both safe and healthy to drink.
You should use a water purifier that uses a combination of RO, UV, and UF, as well as a TDS controller, to make sure the water you drink is clean and free of dangerous contaminants. See Recommended: Reverse Osmosis Systems.
Therefore, if you use a water purifier that employs the RO+UV+UF+TDS purification technology, you can be sure of drinking water that is not only contaminant-free but also beneficial to your health.