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100% Risk-Free 120-Day Home Trial
We guarantee that our systems will transform your water into the cleanest, freshest, and most thirst-quenching water you've ever tasted. If you don't love it, send it back for a full refund.

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Don't waste money on shipping. All filtration systems come with 100% Free Shipping.

Industry Leading 5 Year Warranty
We rigorously test all our products to meet the highest standards, which is why we offer the longest warranty in the industry for free.
Replace filters in Seconds
Front facing filters are easily changed with just a 45° turn. No mess, no tools.
Silent Booster Pump
The integrated booster pump only runs when needed. It's installed internally with noise isolators to keep the system quiet.

Filter Replacement Reminders
Each filter has it's own indicators to notify you when they need replacement. No more guessing your filters lifespan.
Leakproof Water Circuit Design
Internal water channels minimize connections and eliminates the risk of leaks.
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How Your Water Is Purified

Filter 1: Sediment and Carbon
This two stage features a spun polypropylene sediment filter that removes dirt, rust, and other large contaminants. The second stage of this filter is a high capacity carbon block filter that's highly effective at removing chlorine, lead, metals, arsenic, asbestos, mercury, VOC’s taste, and odor.

Filter 2: Granular Carbon
Composed of premium grade activated carbon that’s highly effective at removing chlorine, lead, metals, arsenic, asbestos, mercury, VOC’s taste, and odor. This carbon block filter further purifies your water before the membrane.

Filter 3: 600GPD Membrane
The efficiency series third stage is the 600 gallon per day membrane. This is where heavy metals, copper, chromium (hexavalent), lead, fluoride, nitrate, and salts are filtered from your water.

Filter 4: 5 Stage Alkaline Remineralization

Stage 1 Bio Ceramic
Activates water molecules to increase oxygen levels

Stage 2 Tourmaline
Naturally increases water's ability to alkalize.

Stage 3 Calcite
Boosts alkalinity and offsets acidity caused by dissolved carbon dioxide.

Stage 4 Maifan
Absorbs dissolved heavy metals and replenishes beneficial minerals.

Stage 5 ORP Balls
Formulated with naturals minerals to revitalize and enhance water to create antioxidant.
What Our Customers Have To Say
Very simple installation. Nice build quality and quiet. Two times daily it will turn on the discharge water down the drain without notice. Great tasting water.
Bruce Stedman
We opted for the NuAqua system over a similar one from Culligan. The latter was over 3x the price. This unit is working great so far, and we are happy with our choice.
Michael S Bourque
Very simple installation. Nice build quality and quiet. Two times daily it will turn on the discharge water down the drain without notice. Great tasting water.
Mathieu Stoker
My inlet TDS (total dissolved solids) is about 110 and my output water after the initial 10 minute flush going into my glass for consumption is only 3.5 ppm. Great results!
Joshua Fowler
I've had 2 (maybe 3) earlier RO systems and always found the flow to be weak and the system to be noisy as the backwash lasted for a very long time. I specifically searched for an RO system that was more efficient. Very satisfied.
Stuart Birnbaum
I've gone through my share of RO systems purchased at big box stores. I wish I would have went with this system from the start. Easy installation, worked perfectly at first power up, and the water tastes great.
Marta Rios
Upgrade Your Water Today
With our 100% Risk-Free 120-Day Trial you get to experience great tasting water right from your own home. If you're not completely satisfied sent it back for a full refund!
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