Dog drinking filtered water from faucet

Dogs require clean water in order to live long and healthy lives, just as humans do. The provision of clean drinking water, as well as water with enough levels of essential minerals, is very important for your dog.

The vast majority of Americans filter their water, and around half of all American families have a dog. As a result, you may be questioning whether filtered water is safe and whether it is the best alternative for your dog.

Yes! You should give your dog filtered water rather than tap water, because filtered water is better for your dog's well-being than tap water. However, drinking water from a tap can also be given to your dog as long as it does not contain toxins or germs that can pose a danger to the dog's health.

When tap water or filtered water is not an option, bottled water is a smart alternative to think about. It is best not to give your dog distilled water. This post will teach you everything you should know about your dog drinking water.

Steps to Start Filtering Your Dog's Drinking Water

Filtering the water that your dog drinks is a simple and cost-effective exercise when you use the Reverse Osmosis System. See the recommended and cost-effective reverse osmosis systems.

Investing in a water filter like the Platinum Series 6 Stage Alkaline 100GPD RO System for your dog is the most straightforward and cost-effective method to get started purifying the dog’s water.

In addition to being significantly more cost-effective than purchasing bottled water, this method is also better for the environment.

Many people put their water filters in the refrigerator, but this might result in the water being cooler to drink as a result of the refrigeration.

Some dogs may be adverse to this, and it has been hypothesized that cold water might cause a dog to feel bloated in some cases as well.

It may be worthwhile to invest in a tiny water filter for your dog that can be conveniently put on the countertop. Here are the steps to start filtering your dog’s drinking water.

  1. Visit Nu Aqua Systems for cost-effective filter systems.
  1. Get your choice of reverse osmosis system (best recommended is efficiency-series-tankless).
  1. Follow the instructions for water filtration in the user manual.
  1. Start filtering water for your dog.

That's all you need to start filtering your dog's drinking water in the most convenient and cost-effective method.

Don't forget to stock up on the actual filters that a water filter is made of as well as the water filters themselves. Recall to mark the date on your new filters when you first begin using them so that you will know when you need a replacement filter to replace them because they become less effective over time.

Last but not least, if you're filtering your own water for health and safety reasons, you should also filter the water that your dog drinks.

Core Benefits of Filtering Your Dog’s Water

The most significant advantage of filtering your dog's water is that it removes as many impurities as possible from the water. This will aid in the overall wellness of your dog. The following are some of the other major benefits of filtering your dog's drinking water.

1. Your Dog's Overall Health Will Keep Improving.

Drinking filtered water helps maintain your dog's good health since it helps them cleanse their bodies of the toxins they already have and, as a result, any items they've consumed without your knowledge, which is something dogs are notorious for doing.

Filtered water for dogs is, by far, the most convenient alternative. Especially for dogs with a more fragile digestive tract or a weaker immune system, such as tiny breeds or elderly dogs, this is especially important.

Cleaning and filtering your dog's water will keep him or her healthy and strong for the rest of his or her life, since clean water helps his or her cells renew and thrive.

This approach gives the dog the best chance of getting better from any illnesses it might be suffering from and thus helps the dog live a relatively pain-free life.

2. Tear Staining Is Less Noticeable When Using Filtered Water.

There are several benefits to providing filtered water to dogs, including the fact that it can reduce the appearance of tear stains. Small black streaks that appear under a dog's eyes are known as tear stains, and they are especially evident in dogs with lighter colored fur.

Stains arise as a result of a bad diet, but they can also be caused by tap water that includes contaminants that the dog has been drinking. The greater the size of the tear mark, the greater the amount of poison your dog is getting through his or her food and unclean water.

If you have a home water filter and give your dogs filtered water, their tear stains will be less noticeable. More importantly, this will show that your dogs are drinking safe, clean water that is not bad for their health.

3. Your Dogs Will Stay Hydrated If You Give Them Filtered Water.

Just as it does in humans, water makes up the majority of the body of a dog. In order to stay hydrated and to chill off, we all need to frequently drink water.

The availability of filtered water that tastes good will encourage pets to consume greater quantities of the water they are given access to.

The greater the amount of water they drink, the less likely it is that they will become dehydrated after a day spent playing in the heat.

Maintaining proper hydration in dogs, just like it is in humans, will reduce the number of urinary tract infections they may experience.

 If your dog is prone to illness, increasing his or her water intake will help him or her get back on their feet in no time. Filtered water is only beneficial to your dogs because it keeps them hydrated.

4. Filtered Water Has Less Chlorine Than Unfiltered Water.

There are several advantages to drinking filtered water, and one of the most significant is that it decreases the quantity of chlorine in your drinking water.

It is possible to suffer significant cell damage by ingesting chlorine from drinking water from the tap. In addition to damaging cells, it could cause coughing and make it hard to breathe, among other symptoms.

The frightening thing is that dogs are more susceptible to the bad effects of chlorine than humans are since their digestive systems aren't designed to endure the presence of such a strong toxin.

The most important thing you can do for your dog is to use a water filter to remove chlorine from their drinking water as much as possible. See Recommended Water Filter: Nu-Aqua-Efficiency-Series-Tankless.

Your Dogs' Will Be Protected From Toxins

The most important thing about drinking filtered water is that it’ll protect your family and your furry friends from toxins. Although tap water goes through its own purifying process, each city and county might differ in how it upholds these processes. What this means is that tap water might not be properly purified as it comes out of your sink.

Even if it's sealed, there’s always a possibility of contaminants leaking through. The copper found in most rusty pipes of old homes has been tied to diseases of the liver and kidneys in both humans and animals. Buying one of our water filters will clear your water of contaminants.


5. Your Dog's Health Will Be Safeguarded Against Toxins.

The most essential benefit of drinking filtered water is that it will protect you, your family, and your dog and friends from harmful contaminants.

Although tap water is subjected to its own purification procedure, each city and county may have a different approach to ensuring that these protocols are followed.

What this implies is that the tap water that comes out of your sink may not have been adequately treated.

Even if it is purified, there is still a chance that toxins will seep through to the outside. According to research, copper, which is present in the majority of rusted pipes in ancient homes, has been linked to liver and kidney illnesses in both humans and animals. A water filter from us can rid your water of any impurities it may contain.

6. Cold, Filtered Water Is Beneficial To Your Dog's Health.

The notion that cold water is damaging to your dog and that it might cause deadly bloating has been around for a long time, but we're here to inform you that this is absolutely untrue.

People are perplexed because when dogs drink water too rapidly, as they are prone to doing, they frequently aspirate, and it will start choking them.

This is a frightening situation, but it is not caused by cold water; rather, it is caused by the way your dog drinks it.

Cold water might actually discourage your dog from drinking excessive amounts of water too rapidly.

Giving your dog cold, filtered water from the refrigerator is much preferable to giving them warm water from the faucet since it is cooler.

Why Should Dogs Drink Filtered Water?

A healthy dog is a happy dog, and providing your dog with the proper filtered water for hydration or a pH balanced living environment may make a big difference.

Filtered water protects your dogs against toxins that can be present in tap water, as well as other organisms that may cause sickness if they come into contact with them.

Simply said, this is one simple step you can take to have a better and healthier connection with your animal companion.

Give your dogs the water they deserve and feel free to share the wonderful, fresh, clean, and filtered water that you enjoy on a regular basis with them as well.

Why Should Pets Not Drink Tap Water?

The following are the 6 reasons why tap water is unhealthy for our pets:

1. Chlorine

The amount of chlorine your dog consumes and the length of time he or she is exposed to it determine whether or not it is harmful.

The chlorine dosage in tap water is calculated based on the amount of chlorine consumed by humans rather than by less intelligent animals.

In general, water is considered safe if the chlorine concentration is within the limits established by regulatory recommendations for safe drinking water.

 However, there are unconfirmed reports that say that the water may be dangerous not because of the chlorine itself but because of the chemicals that the chlorine produces as a byproduct when it disinfects.

Even though there has been a lot of research on how chlorine affects dogs, it is safe to say that this should be avoided at all costs.

2. Lead

When your dog consumes large amounts of lead, he may have extreme stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and vomiting.

If your dog is exposed for a long time, he or she might have seizures, become sleepy, lose their appetite, become very anxious, go blind, or act in strange ways.

3. Hardness and limescale

Hard water is water that has a high concentration of minerals, often calcium and magnesium.

 According to research, extremely hard water has been associated with urinary disorders such as crystalluria (crystals in the urine), which may predispose your dog to stone development as well as bladder and urinary tract infections.

 In addition to being needed minerals for your dog, calcium and magnesium are found in regular hard water, so this is definitely a good thing.

4. E. coli

Despite the fact that the majority of E. coli strains found in public water supplies are harmless, a few dangerous strains found in public water supplies can cause appetite loss in dogs as well as low body temperature, depression, increased heart rate, diarrhea, vomiting, malaise, weakness, and lethargy.

5. Fluoride

Fluoride concentrations beyond a certain threshold are hazardous and can cause kidney damage.

It can make dogs throw up and have a lot, as well as make them restless, drool, have weak muscles, and in some cases, convulse.

There may be a relationship between fluoride and cancer in dogs, but research has not yet been conducted to support this theory.

However, because fluoride levels in drinking water are extremely low, well below lethal levels, this may not be a cause for concern. The quantities of fluoride in dog food and toothpaste are even more shocking.

6. Giardia

Fecal waste discharges into water, food, soil, and other surfaces are the primary means by which this parasite is spread. Both animals and people can be affected by this parasite, which can cause diarrhea.

What pH Water Should Dogs Drink?

It is advised that dogs drink water with a pH level of 8.5 or below, which is the least alkaline. The best water sources for dogs are a water ionizer and alkaline spring water that comes from nature.

For best results, maintain a lower alkaline pH, such as that found in naturally alkaline spring water. This spring water has a pH of between 7.8 and 8.2 and serves as an excellent example. Ionizers provide you with the ability to customize the pH of your drinking water.

If you're very concerned, check your dog's pee on a regular basis to verify that it's between 6.0 and 7.0 maximum. Water with a high alkaline level should be avoided, as should water with a high mineral content.

What Is The Best Kind Of Water For Dogs?

Because dogs often drink less water than cats do, spring water is frequently suggested for dogs because it is generally more refreshing and simpler to drink than tap water. So, the best kind of water for dogs is spring water.

According to the manager of the United States-based veterinary clinic that we spoke with, it is important to take a close look at the water that is sold in pet stores whenever you visit the establishment.

Final Thoughts

The advantages of using filtered water surpass any additional expenditures that may be incurred from its acquisition. Investing in a water filter like a Reverse Osmosis System will assist you in maintaining and even improving the health of your family and pets. You can't place a monetary value on your health and well-being.

Filtered water will protect your dogs from contaminants and aid in their ability to live healthier and longer lives, which is something we all desire for our companion animals.

For those looking for a water filter or even a water bottle for their dog, we have just what you and your four-legged companion are looking for!