woman standing in contaminated water with testing kit

The public drinking water supply in the United States is consistently ranked as one of the safest in the world. The municipal water system is the source of drinking water for more than 295 million Americans.

In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency is in charge of regulating the quality of drinking water in public water systems and setting the maximum levels of chemicals and other contaminants that can be found in the water.

The water in your  home comes from various sources, any of which might potentially be contaminated. This means that the water needs to be treated properly so that any pollutants that could be harmful can be taken out.

It is possible for drinking water supplies to get contaminated both in the water that is used to treat the drinking water and in the distribution system after the water has been treated.

How Does The Water In My Home Get Contaminated?

There are several ways in which the water in your home might get contaminated. It is possible for the water to be contaminated with germs such as bacteria and parasites, which enter the water through human or animal waste.

It is possible for it to include toxins that were derived from either industrial waste or from spraying crops. Nitrates, which are commonly found in fertilizers, can make their way into waterways via runoff from land.

It is possible for a variety of minerals, such as lead and mercury, to make their way into the water supply. This can occur sometimes as a result of natural deposits below, but more frequently as a result of illegal disposal of pollutants. Through the use of older lead plumbing, lead may leak into drinking water.

Sources Of Water Contamination

There are various sources of domestic and industrial water contamination They  include naturally occurring

1.Chemicals and minerals, for example

  • Arsenic
  • Radon,
  • Uranium,

2. Local land use practices such as

  • Fertilizers
  • Pesticides
  • Concentrated Feeding Operations

 3. Manufacturing processes, for example

  • Industrial waste
  • Industrial pollution

4.  Sewer overflows or wastewater releases.

Effects of Contaminants in Your Domestic Water

The presence of contaminants in your home water has the potential to hurt your health in a number of ways, such as:

  • Gastrointestinal Disease.
  • Reproductive Issues
  • Neurological Abnormalities.

There is a chance that babies, young children, pregnant women, older people, and people with AIDS, chemotherapy, or transplant drugs that weaken the immune system are more likely to get sick after being exposed to certain toxins. Check out the recommended: Reverse Osmosis Systems.

The 9 Main Causes of Contaminants in Public Water Systems

There are 10 top causes of contaminants in the public water system which have been identified. They're:

1. Legionella

Legionella illness (LEE-juh-nares) is a severe form of pneumonia (lung infection) that is caused by a bacteria called legionella (LEE-juh-nell-a).

 People can become ill if they accidentally drink water carrying Legionella into their lungs or if they breathe in tiny droplets of water that contain the bacteria.

The disease is a serious type of pneumonia (lung infection) caused by Legionella (LEE-juh-nell-a) bacteria.

People can get sick when they breathe in small droplets of water or accidently swallow water containing Legionella into their lungs.


2. Campylobacter

The bacterium Campylobacter is responsible for around 1.5 million infections each year in the United States.

Consuming raw or undercooked fowl, or anything else that has come into contact with it, can put a person at risk of contracting campylobacteriosis.

They can also get it by coming into contact with animals, eating various foods, including fish, meat, and produce, as well as by drinking water that has not been disinfected.

Even though most people who have an illness caused by Campylobacter will get better on their own, some of them will require antibiotic therapy.

3. Giardia

Giardia is a microscopic parasite (germ) that is responsible for the condition known as giardiasis, which is characterized by diarrhea.

Giardia can be discovered on surfaces or in soil, food, or water that has been contaminated with the feces (poop) of sick humans or animals. The feces can come from animals or people.

When you ingest Giardia germs, you put yourself at risk of developing giardiasis.

Giardia is an infection that is very contagious and may be passed from person to person as well as through polluted water, food, surfaces, or items.

The use of contaminated drinking water or water used for recreational purposes is the most prevalent cause of illness among humans.

4. Norovirus

The norovirus is an extremely infectious virus that can cause a person to become sick with both vomiting and diarrhea. Check out the recommended: Reverse Osmosis Systems.

Norovirus is a virus that can infect and sicken almost anyone.Norovirus can be contracted from the following:

  • Having unprotected skin-to-skin contact with an infectious individual
  • Consuming food or water that has been polluted
  • Eating food or water that has been contaminated
  • Putting dirty hands in your mouth after touching hazardous areas

5. Shigella

The ailment known as shigellosis is caused by the bacterium called shigella. The majority of patients who suffer from Shigellos infection also experience fever, stomach pains, and diarrhea, which can occasionally be bloody.

In most cases, symptoms appear one to two days after the infection and continue for a full week. The majority of patients recover without the need for antibiotics.

Antibiotics are recommended, however, for those patients who have serious illnesses or who have underlying diseases that cause their immune systems to be weakened.

6. Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a viral illness of the liver that may be prevented with vaccination and is caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). People who are infected with HAV have HAV in their blood as well as in their feces. The A strain of hepatitis is very infectious.

It can be passed on when someone unintentionally consumes the virus, even in minute quantities, either via close physical contact with an infected person or by the consumption of food or drink that has been tainted with the virus. 

7. Salmonella

According to figures provided by the CDC, Salmonella bacteria are responsible for around 1.35 million infections, 26,500 hospitalizations, and 420 deaths annually in the United States. Most of these diseases can be linked to the food that people eat. Check out the recommended: Reverse Osmosis Systems.

8. E. coli

Escherichia coli, sometimes known as E. coli, is a species of bacterium that may be found in the intestines of people and animals, as well as in the environment and certain foods.

The E. coli bacteria are a wide and varied collection of microorganisms. Even while the vast majority of E. coli strains are completely safe, some of them have the potential to make people sick.

There are many different types of E. coli, and some of them can cause diarrhea, while others can cause infections of the urinary tract, respiratory disorders like pneumonia, as well as other ailments.

9. Cryptosporidium

The tiny parasite known as Cryptosporidium is responsible for the diarrheal condition known as cryptosporidiosis. In common parlance, the name "Crypto" is given to both the parasite and the illness.

There is a wide variety of Cryptosporidium species that may infect animals, and some of these can also infect people. The parasite has a protective shell on the outside, which not only lets it live outside the body for long periods of time but also makes it very resistant to chlorine's ability 20000.

How To Protect Yourself From Water Contaminants

The Reverse Osmosis Filtration System is one of the most successful methods, in addition to being one of the most cost-effective methods, for removing germs and contaminants from water.

In particular, water filtration systems that use strict methods can remove bacteria, protozoa, parasites, chlorine, and heavy metals from the water before it gets to your hands or a glass.

Here at NU Aqua Systems, we offer and install high-quality water reverse osmosis filtration systems for homes, apartments, workplaces, and companies.

We offer double as well as triple undersink filters that are designed to easily fit in practically any kitchen sink. On top of that, we have a modern  Efficiency Series Tankless 600GPD Reverse Osmosis System 2:1 Pure To Waste that can remove up to 99 percent of contaminants from water.

You can click on Reverse osmosis collection products to see our low prices, best-selling items, lifetime warranties, and special deals, such as free installation.

What Causes Water Pollution At Home?

Sydney Evans, a scientific analyst at Environmental Working Group (EWG), said that it's hard to answer the question because the answer depends on where you are, and wastewater monitoring isn't uniform across the country.

However, as you walk out of the shower or finish watering the yard, the water leaves your home carrying whatever was put in it, whether it be weed killer, household cleaning goods, or cosmetics.

In addition, not all of the water will make its way to a treatment plant, and even when it does, not all will be eliminated. This is because water treatment plants are only able to remove certain contaminants from wastewater. One example of this is the removal of human waste.

According to experts, these are the six top causes of water pollution in homes:

  • Faulty sewage treatment facilities
  • Compost for the garden Insecticides and other pesticides
  • PFAS
  • Cleaning goods or products.
  • Medication

How Do We Stop Water Pollution?

It is common knowledge that having access to clean water is of the utmost importance. However, many of the things we do can, in their own unique ways, contribute to water pollution.

There are a few things that can be done at home and in the community that are simple and won't break the bank in order to protect the water supply. Here are 7 ways to stop water pollution.

1. Ensure The Proper Disposal Of Toxic Chemicals

It's possible that household cleaners, pesticides, and solvents don't seem like a big deal. However, ammonia, paint, paint thinner, bleach, and a wide variety of other chemicals are becoming an increasingly serious issue.

The cumulative effects of millions of people each month pouring harmful substances down the drain or flushing them down the toilet add up to a significant problem. Because of this, it is essential to dispose of trash correctly.

2. Do Not Dump Fatty Substances Down The Drain

Lubricant, fat, and used cooking oil should be thrown away in the trash or stored in a container designated as a "fat jar" until they can be disposed of together with other forms of solid waste.

It's possible that your pipes will clog, which will then cause the sewer lines to choke and cause overflow into the yard and the basement. Additionally, the garbage pollutes the water in the surrounding areas.

3. Make Sure To Use Phosphate-Free Detergent And Dish Cleaner:

You can further cut down on water pollution by using just enough of these cleaners to do the job. Phosphates aren’t the only harmful chemicals in cleaners.

Phosphates lead to algae blooms and kill fish and other aquatic animals by reducing oxygen in the water.

4. Ensure Proper Disposal Of Medical Waste.

To properly dispose of medications, you should never flush them down the toilet or throw them into any nearby ponds or creeks. The medications have a propensity for building up in the water as well as in the fish and other creatures.

 Hormones and other substances ultimately end up creating a wide variety of health issues in fish and birds, as well as contaminating the drinking water that is used by people and cattle.

5. Always Report Water Polluters

There are many instances of unlawful garbage dumping as well as other types of water contamination that go unreported, and there is frequently no cleanup of these incidents.

People who throw garbage bags into streams, pour oil down storm drains, or otherwise pollute waterways should be reported.

6. When You Go Shopping, Keep Water Pollution In Mind

If you avoid purchasing goods that include harmful and lingering chemicals, you won't have to deal with the complications that come along with using household chemicals and pesticides.

There are currently a lot of firms that provide insecticides and cleansers that are non-toxic and biodegradable. Spending a little bit more money on those things instantly results in a reduction in the amount of pollution that is released into the water.

7. Always Check Your Sump Pump And Basement Drain Regularly.

Sometimes the water from these devices flows into the sanitary sewage lines of the municipality. This link introduces a wide variety of contaminants, including heavy metals, biological waste, cleaning chemicals, and more, into the system.

If you own a sump pump or cellar drain and are unsure where the water drains to, you should be able to find out by contacting the pollution control department of the city where you live.

How To Prevent Your Home Water From Getting Contaminated?

If you have your own private well that gives you drinking water, you can protect from getting contaminated by doing any of the following:

1. First off,  ensuring that the well cover, cap, and casing are all in good shape, you should also install a well cap that locks.

2. Paint, fertilizer, insecticides, gasoline, and motor oil should be kept a safe distance away from your well.

3. You should check your well once a month to make sure there are no signs of cracking or corrosion.

4. Maintain a clean and debris-free space surrounding your well.

5. Check your septic system once a year and have it pumped out every three to five years at the absolute minimum.

6. Take the appropriate steps to dispose of household chemicals. Never put them in your yard or down a storm drain when you're finished with them.

Best Way To Purify My Drinking Home Water?

The best way to purify your home's drinking water is through a Reverse Osmosis Filtration System. It is one of the most efficient methods available for water purification.

This technique utilizes a number of different chemical and physical processes in order to disinfect and render the water suitable for human consumption.

 Filtration is a very helpful method for eliminating both major pollutants and smaller, more perilous particles that may be hazardous to human health and may have been introduced there. Do you find that impressive? Check out the recommended: Reverse Osmosis Systems.